Monday, February 18, 2013

HiggiE's 365 PK Challenge: An Update: Week 7

An Update: Week 7

By Eric Higgins

Welcome back., I just finished off my week 7 of training. It feels good to know that I have made it this far already. To accompany this blog I have made a simple vlog video speaking on my training thus far. 

Ive been able to work out every day as part of this challenge. Just to clarify 'every day' doesn't include Sundays. I use Sundays as a day of rest, literally, because it is recommend when working out on a regular basis like I have. A break gives my body time to recuperate. I am also still trying to get used to my whole goal of this challenge: to exercise every day, blog and release videos and other content. Its still winter here so I have not been able to go out as much as I would like because of the snow, however there are periods of days when I have the opportunity to train outside. 

I just weighed myself, and I weigh 138 pounds. When I started I weighed in at 136 so not much has changed with weight, but I do feel stronger and bigger especially in my arms. Not gaining any weight isn't a matter of loosing fat, because I had no fat to loose when I started. So my plan is to move forward and keep gaining muscle. My plan right now is to try to get to 150 pounds and maintain it through to the end of this year. 

So far in working out I have been going with a schedule like this:

MON: Arm workout. 

TUE: Jam day outside if possible. Work on all sorts of PK movement.

WED: Core strength workout.

THU: Jam day outside or at the gym. All kinds of PK movement.

FRI: Leg strengthening.

SAT: Jam fun day and time to write up blog.

SUN: Rest day and time to finish blog.

Its has worked out really well so far. I like working on one group of muscles every other day and having the jam days to work on whatever in-between. I am thinking however when it worms up more ill want to be outside, so I might make my Mon, Wed, Fri, days outside days and just travel to different places to jam. 

On the days of the week when I work on strengthening a certain group of muscles, I use different basic exercises I know of to be able to get stronger. It can be fun to experiment with different ways to work out a muscle, or group of muscles, so sometimes I do some odd workouts. I consider what muscles are in that part of the body and work on strengthening each one equally. It is one of my pet-peeves to see guys who do not work out evenly, the guy might have huge biceps but no other muscles in there arms are developed or his arms might be big all over but he has no muscle in his legs. On a similar thought it is the same when stretching to remember to get every muscle. It is usually during my stretch time before and after each workout that I think about these kinds of things and what I can do differently or better.

On Mondays when I concentrate on Arm muscles I usually do a series of different pushing and pulling movement. An example might be a push-up to build my bicep muscles, and the opposite, dips to work out my triceps. this way I am working out each side of my arm and body evenly. Overall I try to work out every range of motion for every joint, including wrists, elbows, shoulders, chest and back.

For my Core strength building I do a series of different ab workouts and planks. The core muscles are some of the strongest and most used muscles. Endurance is key for getting a really good core workout. 30 Crunches, 30 Sit-ups, 30 seconds to a Minute of a plank, 30 leg raises, and 30 sit-ups to the sides. Repeat 3 times. Most of the time I will also do some kind of Quadrilateral Movement (QM) in-between, which is crawling on hands and knees forward back and to the sides and even up and down stairs in different ways.  

To work out my Legs I concentrate on power and balance. Lunges and squats are good for explosive power. If I am doing any kind of jumping I will concentrate on landing softly with control for balance. I will also hop on each leg to work on my calve muscles, and lean with my back against a wall raising just my toes to work on strengthening my shins. 

On the other days when I am outside I concentrate on basic vaults and other parkour elements like rolling, climbing, crawling, flow, and flips. Just the basics for now but Ive been really into it learning each element like I am ambidextrous.

In the near future I will be showing you a better look into specific parkour workouts and also working on breaking down the basic elements of tricking in parkour, but until then safe training, have a good week.
