Thursday, June 2, 2016

Lowes Xtreme Airsports Reopening

A short video and my thoughts from the Grand Reopening event at Lowes Xtreme Airsports.

Lowes Xtreme Airsports in Provo Utah closed their doors for a short time to change and expand their space. They have expanded into the Units around them making their gym a paradise. The cool thing that I like about Lowes compared to other trampoline Parks in Utah is that they use Olympic style trampolines with better bounce. With the Reopening they added 2 new tramps, A different Set up, A Dodge Ball arena, Bigger Kids area, an adaptable ninja Warrior area and more which will come in the future. This on top of the other fun things they provide.

Watch my video to get a sense of the new tramp setup.

In the video you can see I'm having trouble getting my feet back to the wall when I go to my back. This is due in part to the walls slanting away and being too far from the tramps. I am used to a wall that is vertical from the tramp frame. At Lowes they have the base of the wall starting 4 or so inches away from the tramp, plus its a slanted wall. Lots of problems there if you want to do a lot of wall running from the tramps.

At first it was easy to pick out many of the problems with the setup, but as I tried some lines and tricks I could see the benefit of some of the ways they got it set up. There is a lot more functionality now there there was in their old set up for some good lines and fun runs.

One poblem I had was that they tore out their old Tramp set up which was near their Rock wall. The Tramps are still there so its a possibility they will build more later. There is now a Permanent Slack line they have installed in that area too.

The Ninja Course is simple, They will be able to add different elements to it. In reality the Ninja course to me is a Gimmicky thing. fun to go though but not really what I would go there for. It will be cool to see if they host Competitions on it.

There is a raw feel to the tumble floor area which they moved. My thoughts are that they will add more parkour like elements. Blue who works at Lowes confirmed my suspicion that Calen Chan is helping them to put in some parkour elements.

There is some potential for some great parkour stuff. The walls around the spring floor are lines with a gripy soft padding. Check out what I put on Instagram to see it and how the walls are a little Raw.

A video posted by Eric Higgins (@pkhiggie) on

I got to work on my CastBacks a bit. Many of the guys at the gym were having fun jumping from the high platform. to the Spring floor.

Overall I wasn't super impressed with the set up till I got to use it for a while. At first I was a little disappointed. There wasn't much parkour stuff which will probably be coming latter. As I jumped on the tramps more I could see the potential, but I wished the walls were closer to the frames of the tramps at the basses. That one thing is really what is effecting how I feel about the new gym. Time will tell. As people use the space and they organize it more it may be great.

Eric Higgins-