Monday, November 3, 2014

30 Day Parkour Challenge: The Beginning.

The beginning of a new 30 day challenge. Join me as I discover the roots of Parkour all month.

Join me for another 30 Day parkour Challenge. This November I am concentrating more on the conditioning side of parkour rather than the technique side. Winter for me tends to be a hibernation time for for my training. No more hibernating indoors where I can stay warm. Start this winter by joining me on a 30 day challenge in November.

For this 30 day challenge I will also be concentrating on the Roots of Parkour. I have heard and know how parkour started but I don't have a good understanding of the philosophies behind the original practitioners. I decided I would make this 30 day challenge a challenge for conditioning but also a journey of understanding.

Rules for this Novembers 30 day Challenge:
1. Do parkour at least 6 days a week. 7th day (Sunday for me) will be a day of rest and recuperation.
2. Concentrate the training on conditioning and strength building and Measure and track progress.
3. Find materials about the roots of parkour and take time to think about and apply them.
4. Post and share to others so they may gain a better knowledge of parkour roots.

I will be posting and writing about all the interesting things I find during the 30 days so that you may go on the journey too. Join me in conditioning or just keep up to date on what I discover.

If you want to help me by sending me content related to the roots of PK, Ill be covering a few topics from week to week including: History, Basics and Safety, Training and Conditioning, and Culture. Message me on my socials with articles and videos related to the topics. Ill be posting everything to my Blog, posting on Facebook, Twitter and G+ so keep in touch.

Have fun for the next 30 days.
Eric Higgins.