Thursday, July 9, 2015

July 30 Day Parkour Challenge

I wont be doing a normal 30 day parkour challenge where I train every day this month. I will be doing another type of challenge.

Many of you might know I run and operate a website. This is a site I have been managing for some time, and I want to add another level to the content on the site. I want to add more written articles. So for my 30 day challenge I will be writing about parkour everyday. I have a ton of ideas I have put together over the years so hopefully ill be able to get some good articles written.

If you haven't been to TheParkourNation, Go check it out and connect with the growing community.

I would like to put up a few posts here about what I was thinking; kinda the behind the scenes of my writing. I'll also do some experimental writing that wont go up on the website but will be for here on my blog.

The goal is to launch into writing/posting something on a regular basis on the site. I the future Ill also be accepting other content from other writers.


I will be training during the month and I want to invite everyone to come train with me when I do... I'll be setting up some events on the Local Parkour community Facebook so keep up to date on there. besides that I'll also just post when/where I'm training.

Here is a weekly schedule I'll stick too. I may train more than this but this is so the local guys can meet up and expect when I'll be training.

Wed: Afternoon

Fri: Afternoon and Evening

Sat: I'll be going to the normal Saturday Community events. If there is not one, there will be... unless I have other plans.


I started the challenge yesterday... Wed. July 8th because I was out of town for a few days over the 4th of July. Join me in doing your own 30 day challenge. I would like to hear about your experience during the 30 days, Connect with me on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram.